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More than 6 years have passed since 3S'TECH presented its MONTILIVI Test solution for the on-site verification of the compressive strength of load-bearing factory walls without the need to extract samples.


Attached is a presentation of the above-mentioned Essay where you can check the suitability of this non-normative Essay. The great success achieved and the large number of tests already carried out to date have shown that opening the door to Innovation and Development in the field of material characterization is a fact and a positive bet for the present and future in the construction sector.

As the main characteristics we mention how little invasive the test is in field work and the high reliability of its results. The extraction, manipulation and transport of the collected samples that is required by the regulatory test is avoided, bearing in mind that the degradation and low reliability of the samples that the Laboratory finally receives do not allow obtaining real and reliable data in the vast majority of cases.

More information (PDF)
